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Benchmark the key metrics of your direct channel

Must-have hotel benchmarking analytics platform, for you to compare your performance to the market and competition

Competitive intelligence. Smarter decisions.

BenchDirect is the first of its kind, a hotel benchmarking platform providing hoteliers with never-before-seen competitive data. Through real-time actionable insights, you will not only be able to compare the end results but also gain a clear understanding of how they came to be, so you can unravel the building blocks of an effective direct booking strategy.

Not convinced yet? Press “play” to discover what BenchDirect has to offer.

A whole host of direct booking metrics

Whatever you want to track related to the evolution of your direct channel, BenchDirect has you covered. From RevDirect to the Direct Booking Index (DBI), you can now benchmark your hotel's performance across more than 30 key metrics centered around:

Website and booking engine traffic

Bookings and pickup

Future demand

Rates and disparities

User profile and behavior

Predictive Personalization
A THN developed score that assesses the different blocks involved in an effective direct booking strategy so you can track your overall performance versus the market.
Predictive Personalization
A brand-new metric measuring direct booking revenue per available room so you can analyze one of the industry's core KPIs but centered on your direct channel.

Understand your direct channel

Direct is in our DNA. Built using unparalleled competitive data from our global network of hotels, as well as our comprehensive understanding of online user behavior, BenchDirect provides you with all the insights you need to grow your direct channel.

Break down the full user journey

Traditional hotel benchmarking compares rates and occupancy but offers no visibility on how it came to be. BenchDirect analyzes the full booking funnel so you can identify where you are under or overperforming, and pinpoint how to improve your results, at a granular level.

Redefine your competitive set

Using machine learning to create dynamic compsets, BenchDirect helps you understand who your real competitors are. Compare your performance with similar hotels in your destination, other properties within your brand, a full network of hotels worldwide and your own hand-picked compset.

Unlock invaluable insights for free

Observing hundreds of millions of users across our network of hotels, our data is unique, both in scale and quality. We want hoteliers to be able to benefit from this Network Effect, which is why we are making BenchDirect available to hotels worldwide for free.

A one-of-a-kind network of hotel data

Together, we become stronger. Join our community and become part of the 20,000+ hotels worldwide who are taking part in our initiative.
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Get started

Sounds interesting? Request your free BenchDirect account today and become part of this global network, learn from each other and make better-informed decisions to drive direct revenue growth.
